Red toxic sludge points the way (Going Green #3)

We will have all seen in the news recently the devastating effects of the leak of toxic sludge in Hungary and it occurred to me that this is a very relevant example of why we need to do more to be green.

While we in the UK have some quite strict controls over waste and environmental policy the same is not the case of our manufacturing partners around the word.

Now at this point many of you will be saying to yourselves “that’s one of the reasons why we are so much more expensive” because you have the additional costs of trying to be green.

Here is a thought, how long will it be acceptable for UK companies to out-source their manufacturing to companies in countries where only lip service is paid to the environment? Well, not long.

Think about the damage that can be done to a major brand being associated with an environmental catastrophe.

So let’s turn the environment to are advantage. We work harder to vet our suppliers and ensure they are truly committed to the environment and publicise that we are doing this so our competitors look like their lagging behind.

It’s easy to make a start – try calculating your carbon footprint by following the link on the Carbon Trust’s web-site for the really serious companies to look at achieving ISO 14001 certification.

Remember, I have mentioned this is previous Blogs and it is very relevant here. “In a poll of 14,500 people in 15 countries, more than half said they were active ethical consumers”.

Even if you are not committed to gong green your customers increasingly are, and are actively looking for forward thinking companies in the very competitive market place.

The biggest challenge is to make the commitment to make a start. It is not as hard than you think and not as expensive as you may believe so give it a go now.

Why is this so important? Imagine if that toxic sludge was running down your street, you would want to know why more environmental checks were not carried out by the company. And for sure, you would want to see the bosses in court for it!

Nicab blog

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