Marshall Amps Rock!

I was lucky enough to recently visit Marshall Amplifications’ factory and they are an excellent example of UK manufacturing alive and kicking!

Everything is hand made on site.  While they know they could build their amps cheaper overseas they are committed to the Made in Great Brittan symbol of quality and pride.

This is partly why Marshall is world famous for quality and are to many a status symbol.  For many guitarists the Marshall Amp is a badge of honour.

All this is set against the plethora of low cost imported amplifiers.  To resist going of shore really says something about the ethos of the company.  What’s more business has never been so good!

So the next time you think no one will buy your product if you make it in the UK because your competitors are getting theirs made off shore think again, think abut Marshall a truly great example!

Rock on!

Nicab blog

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