A new future in UK Manufacturing

Further to my previous blogs on promoting UK manufacturing, I believe that last week’s budget acknowledged we need more skilled engineers and more manufacturing, specifically with cutting edge technology. There is a major part for us in the Electronics community to play.

In response to the budget, Mike Wright an executive director at Jaguar Land Rover said they aim to add 1,000 engineers in the next 18 months as global demand recovers. Even though unemployment remains at about 8% there is still a shortage of skilled engineers.

Mr Wright argues the government needs to focus on delivering workers with the right skills and encouraging innovation.

Sir James Dyson’s said “it is very important that the government does interfere. Investing in R&D is very, very risky and the government can help slightly by skewing the taxation system to encourage the right behaviour”.

The point I am making is that there is no lack of innovation and business leaders willing to invest in engineers and the future of the UK electronics and manufacturing industries. If the government can help and encourage our sector then I truly believe we can once again regain our title as world leaders in technology and innovation.

We can not rely on government to support us as we have to identify the businesses and markets that can help us to realise our vision for a better future. However, a little more acknowledgement of the importance of our industry will not go unnoticed.

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